Trusted by Brands and Organizations Worldwide

You will be assessed in the 5 key areas of Trusted Business Leadership


Whether big or small, personal or professional, goals act as benchmarkers for overall success. The ability to set and achieve goals inspires trust in any leader and speaks to your integrity as a Trusted Business Leader.


The art of effective communication doesn't come easily to many people, and yet it is one of the most important aspects of leadership. The way you communicate reflects your empathy and expertise.

Problem Solving

Problem-solving speaks to ones creativity and knowledge base. Being a leader with strong problem solving abilities means you understand how to draw on the strengths of your team and clients to find solutions.


Leadership is a multifaceted component of a successful business coach. You garner respect as a leader through humility and shared credit. This is the sign of a leader worthy of respect and influence.


Coaching is where it all comes together. Business coaching combines goal-setting, communication, problem-solving, and leadership to guide others to success in personal and professional ways.

OK, I’m ready - I want to know my score!

The world needs Trusted Business Leaders...
The world needs you.

There is a way to reach more people; to apply your skills in new ways… to generate a greater impact on your community. The way to do that is to leverage your business skills and experience. That’s the key.

The work you've already done in your chosen industry has given you an invaluable foundation of knowledge and skills.

What we do at FocalPoint is help you use what you already have to go beyond what you’ve always known. Through proven content and support of a network of experts, FocalPoint exists to maximize your potential as a coach and leader.

We want to see you succeed.

I'm ready - let's do it!

Is this right for me?


It's important to ask yourself if taking this assessment is right for you. It isn't for everybody. 


Does this sound like you:


  • Considering what’s the next stage of your career
  • Looking for more flexibility in your schedule
  • Desire more control of your income potential
  • Been in the workforce for 15+ years
  • Manager level or higher
  • Experience with working one-on-one with business decision-makers
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Sincere desire to help others
  • Results-oriented


If this sounds like you then keep reading...

Some of the most successful leaders are business-minded individuals with an entrepreneurial disposition. People who are willing to apply their skills to supporting others and their business. 

Is that you?

Take the test to find out if you are the right fit.

At the end you will receive a comprehensive analysis of your results that dives deeper into the 5 categories of Trusted Business Leadership.

This report includes tips and tricks, next steps, and how to apply your skills to business coaching.

Take Me To The Test NOW!


Who We Are

FocalPoint Coaching & Training is a franchise organization of business coaches and trainers who work with entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives to help enhance their companies and their lives by leveraging the coaches’ business experience and our content.

We take the proven business coaching techniques of the world-famous business trainer and author, Brian Tracy (google him), and blend them with the business skills and experience of our coaches.